Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Date picker in Excel

Ever wondered if you could put a date in an Excel spreadsheet using a date picker? Similar to the one available on online forms, date pickers can come quite handy when one needs to enter dates in a cell. No more worry about the date format and confusions about the date itself.

Here is a simple way to put date picker in MS Excel.
  1. Download the Date Picker Add-in
  2. Paste the file (samradDatePicker.xla/ xls) in the XLSTART folder (In Office 2007, XLSTART folder is typically found at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE12\XLSTART. In Office 2003, it may be located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\XLSTART)
  3. Restart Excel
  4. Right click on any cell and there will be "Pick from Calendar Option" from where the date can be selected
  5. Format/ resize the cell to display the date as per your preferences
Further details on the add-in at Microsoft Excel Blog, Sam Radakovitz

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